Fundamental Rights- (Blog)

A main section of constitution of India (part3) leads to the backbone of it which is called as “THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS”. Fundamental rights are respectively used and given to each people and citizen of India. Fundamental rights not only includes the six main rights but also have Article (12-35) and more than this many clauses related to the solution of our problem. It is mainly adopted from the constitution of America.

Article 12:- It states the definition of state which includes: government and parliament of India, government and legislature of state, local authority, other authority

Article 13:- It express the commencement of territory of India, and  includes: Laws inconsistent with OR in derogation of fundamental rights.


It provides equal rights to all peoples (Indian and foreign). It prohibits inequality based on caste, race, gender, place of birth, religion. It also gives equal chance of opportunity to all of us.

It includes articles 14—18.

Aticle14- It mainly includes:

·         Equality before law (from British constitution) “ According to professor A. V. Dicey it is called ‘ Rule of law’”

·         Equal protection of law

Article 15-It includes:

·         Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, sex, race, birth place.

Article 16- It includes:

·         Equality of opportunity for public employment.

Article 17- It includes:

·         Abolition of Untouchability( means the end of comparison between peoples regarding touching and equating matters)

Article 18- It includes:

·         Abolition of titles( means to end the ‘title’ i.e. ‘upadhi’  granted to anyone for their fields only can be awarded for education and army)


It includes from articles 19-22.

Article 19- It includes: “FREEDOM IS LIFE”

·         It is only awarded to the citizens of India.

·         It is the base of fundamental rights.

19(1) - Protection of freedom of speech.

(a)-freedom of speech and expression

(b)-assemble in peace without arms

(c)-formation of unions or associations or cooperative societies

(d)-free movement in the territory of India

(e)-Right to settle in any part of the territory of India

(g)- Free to practice in any profession, occupation, trade, business.

             19(2)-  It include the reasonable restriction in these specific condition-

·         Protection of states

·         Friendly relations with foreign countries

·         Public order

·         Morality

·         Contempt of court

·         Defamation

·         Incitement to an offence

·         Sovereignty if India

Article 20- Protection of conviction for offences:

·         Ex-post facto law

·         Double jeopardy

·         Self-incrimination

Article 21- Life and personal liberty Protection:

·         Against legislative, executive

·         It is provided to all peoples

Article 21(A)-Right to education:

·         6-14 year child must be compulsory educated ,free of cost

Article 22- Arrest and detention


Article (23-24)

Article 23- Banned human trafficking and forced labour:

·         Awarded to both peoples and citizens

·         It provides protection against state and private persons.

Article 24-Banned the employment of children:

·         Children up to 14 years are restricted to work in any factory.


Article (25-28)

Article 25-Right to follow one’s beliefs, one’s work, one’s morality.

Article 26- Freedom to manage religious affairs.

Article 27- Free to pay taxes for the promotion of religion

Article 28- Free to attend any religious instruction


Article (29-30)

Article 29- Protection of interest of minor rights.

·         Maintenance of script, culture and language

Article 30- Minorities have right to establish education institution.


Article (32-35)

Article 32-Resources for actuation of rights paid in this part.

(1)-Appropriate proceeding by Supreme Court for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this part is guaranteed.


·         Habeas corpus

·         Mandamus

·         Prohibition

·         Quo-warranto

·         Certiorari

The Fundamental rights are given in the part 3 of Indian constitution. These fundamental rights are most important that if it is not given then no one can encourage the development in any direction. These rights are provided against the states. It has been taken from the American constitution. Some rights are so important that they are provided to all peoples (Indian citizens as well as foreigners). Ex- protection of life and personal liberty. Some rights are only provided to the citizens of India, eg.-freedom of speech and expression. India is one of the largest democratic nation throughout the world. The basis of democracy is the protection of right of people. If anyone violates our rights then we can admit the writs in the supreme court (Article 32) or in high court (Article 226) and can ask for the protection of our rights. It is to be noted that the fundamental rights are not the absolute rights; it can be restricted in the time of crises (eg.-CORONA).That is why part 3 of Indian constitution is considered as Magna carta (the father of Fundamental rights).

 - Adv. Sangita Kumari


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