

Whenever a pandemic hits the planet with its massive force, it leaves a major impact on human beings. Such a disease is observed in the year 2020, for which we all are the living witnesses. The disease COVID-19 was so-called because it wiped out vast number of lives with it. The year 2020 brought disaster to its fate, the year 2020 came with COVID-19. Infection causes by virus (SARS-CoV-2) had its worst impact worldwide more than any other disease have ever caused. The transition that began in Wuhan, China covered almost all regions and countries worldwide. In India, the virus starts its count from 30 th January with 4-5 cases, and across the country million of cases were reported and thousands of death had been confirmed. Generation faced such pandemic on a very large scale for the first time as the rate and frequency of the spread of infection is very high, and therefore, people surrounded by various problems which further troubles them making decisions during such conditions. This

Child Marriage and its Legal Provisions in India (Article)

Introduction A child is a most beautiful creation of god and childhood is the most enjoyable and lovely phase of life of a person. Child marriage is a marriage that occurs prior to the age of marriage recognised by law and it tears down the childhood of a boy and a girl. Child marriage is solemnised because of reasons like poverty, dowry, reinforce, social ties, customs ( belief that it provides protection to the girl ) ,etc. Legislation The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 [REPEALED] or Sharda Act was purported to  restrain the solemnisation of marriage between two individuals when their age is below the age  limit prescribed in the Act. Initially the age limit was 14 years for females and 18 years for males. The age limit for females was raised to 15 years by an amendment to the Act in 1949. Another important amendment was brought about in 1978 when the age limit for both girls and boys was raised to 18 and 21 years respectively. Punishments under this act 1.   Male adu


  The Indian Judiciary System is one of the oldest legal system in the world. Historically, India was governed by Arthashastra and Manusmriti, which provide as a legal guidance. The land was ruled by great Kings, who is considered as the supreme leader and village panchayat was acting as the judiciary to solve the dispute. Basically the laws were based on religion. The legal guidelines of their respective religious texts applied on respective religion people. With the coming of British rule in India, the Indian legal system was established by British Raj and is based on English Common Law. Constitution of India is the supreme law of land. The current legal system mentioned in Indian Constitution, derives its power from it. Judiciary follows the hierarchy. The various level of court are there in the Indian Legal System. Supreme Court is the apex court of the country followed by High Court at various states level which cater at one or more states. Below the high court exit various dist

DONOGHUE V. STEVENSON, (1932) AC 562- (Case Commentary)

Introduction In English Law this is a famous case of Scottish dispute which shaped the doctrine of negligence. Facts On 26 August 1928, May Donoghue and one of her friend were sitting in a cafĂ© in Scotland’s Glasgow. Donoghue’s friend ordered a drink for her. She purchased a bottle of ginger beer which was in a dark opaque glass bottle and later discovered that the bottle contained a decomposing snail. This snail couldn’t be detected until she consumed a greater part of contents of the bottle. She fell ill and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis by a physician. The foundation of her case is that the defendant manufactured ginger beer with an intention for consumption. It was the duty of the respondent to take care that there was no noxious element in the goods and to provide a system of inspection of the bottles before the ginger beer was filled into them but they neglected such duties and are consequently liable for any damage caused by such neglect. Donoghue took a legal act


      “ You can tell all the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women”                                                                                                                    -Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Introduction Sexual harassment is the type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal transgressions to sexual abuse or assault. Harassment can occur in many different social settings such as the workplace, the home, school, churches, etc.  What is sexual harassment? What sexual harassment include? When it become sexual assault? So answering to this question is a tough task but let’s try to do it so sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual behavior that’s offensive, humiliating. It can be written, oral, and can in person or online. In sexual harassment the men and women both can